Sunday, September 26, 2010


PT Perkebunan Nusantara X (Persero), perusahaan BUMN Perkebunan yang bergerak dalam bidang industri gula dan tembakau dengan wilayah kerja di Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah. Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja, PTP Nusantara X (Persero) membutuhkan lulusan S1 untuk ditempatkan di bagian Agronomi, Teknik/Instalasi, Keuangan, SDM, dan Penelitian di wilayah kerja PTPN X (Persero) dengan criteria sebagai berikut :
S1 Pertanian Prodi Agronomi; Ilmu Tanah; Ilmu Hama & Penyakit Tanaman; Sosek Pertanian, Meteorologi / Klimatologi (Kode: AGR)
S1 Teknik Mesin Prodi Konversi Energi; Mesin Industri/Konstruksi (Kode: MES)
S1 Instrumentasi / Fisika Teknik (Kode: INS)
S1 Teknik Sipil (Kode: SIP)
S1 Teknologi Pertanian Prodi Teknologi Industri Pertanian; Mekanisasi; Pengairan (Kode: TEP)
S1 Biologi Prodi Mikrobiologi (Kode: BIO)
S1 Ekonomi Prodi Akuntansi; Manajemen (Kode: EKO)
S1 Hukum Perdata (Kode: HKM)
S1 Psikologi (Kode: PSI)

* Warga Negara Indonesia, usia maksimal 27 tahun pada tanggal 1 September 2010 (lahir setelah 31 Agustus 1983).
* IPK Minimal 2,75 dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang terakreditasi, dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari Perguruan Tinggi yang bersangkutan.
* Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan.
* Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman kerja yang relevan dengan bidang yang dilamar.
* Karena sifat pekerjaan yang dilakukan, dibutuhkan laki-laki untuk kode AGR, MES, INS, SIP, TEP, BIO dan diutamakan laki-laki untuk kode EKO, HKM dan PSI.
* Mampu Berbahasa Inggris secara aktif
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
* Tinggi Badan minimal 160cm (Kode: AGR), berbadan sehat dan tidak butawarna (ditunjukkan dg surat keterangan sehat dan tidak butawarna dari dokter)
* Tidak pernah dihukum karena melakukan tindak kejahatan (ditunjukkan dg Surat Keterangan dari Kepolisian).
* Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat dari Instansi atau Badan Hukum Pemerintah maupun Swasta.

Kirimkan aplikasi disertai fotokopi ijazah S1 dan transkrip nilai (dilegalisir), pas foto 4×6 terbaru 3 lembar (tulis nama di belakang masing-masing foto), Curriculum Vitae dilengkapi no. telp./ponsel yang bisa dihubungi, fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku, Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian, Surat Keterangan Sehat & Surat Keterangan Tidak Buta Warna dari Dokter, ditujukan kepada:

Jl. Jend. Urip Sumoharjo No. 100, Yogyakarta – 55222
Telp. (0274) 586201

Lokasi Tes tahap I akan dilaksanakan di Yogyakarta (Kode: YOG) dan Surabaya (Kode: SBY). Sebutkan kode lokasi tes dan kode posisi/formasi yang diminati di surat lamaran dan di sebelah kiri atas amplop lamaran. Lamaran diterima Tim Rekrutmen dan Seleksi paling lambat tanggal 9 Oktober 2010. Tidak menerima berkas lamaran melalui faksimil atau email. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi. Lamaran menjadi milik Tim Rekrutmen dan Seleksi. Selama proses seleksi, akomodasi dan transportasi tidak ditanggung. Company Profile, persyaratan, dan tahapan tes dapat dilihat di website LPP

Pengumuman peserta yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti Tes Tahap I dapat dilihat melalui website LPP pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2010. Pengumuman hasil tes setiap tahapan dapat dilihat di website LPP. Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan seleksi menjadi hak Tim Rekrutmen dan Seleksi, dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.


Perum Perumnas adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang mempunyai tugas pokok menyediakan perumahan dan permukiman bagi masyarakat menengah bawah Indonesia. Di awal kiprahnya, Perumnas telah melakukan rintisan pembangunan kawasan baru di hampir semua kota besar. Perumnas menjadi pioneer pengembangan kawasan permukiman berskala besar yang berkembang dan tumbuh menjadi kota baru. Sebagai National Urban Development Corporation (NUDC) peran dan fungsinya sangat dipengaruhi Oleh kebijakan pemerintah di sektor perumahan mempunyai kontribusi terhadap pencapaian kinerja Perumnas.


Persyaratan Akademis :

1. Pendidikan yang dibutuhkan :
* Teknik Sipil
* Teknik Arsitek
* Teknik Informatika
* Manajemen
* Akuntansi
* Bisnis Administrasi
* Hukum Perdata/Bisnis
* Ilmu Komunikasi
* Sastra Inggris
* Sastra Jepang
2. Berijazah Sarjana ( S1 ) dan Pasca Sarjana ( S2 ) dari Universitas Negeri maupun Swasta (dengan akreditasi A)
3. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) min.3.0 (skala 4) untuk S1 dan min. 3.4 (Skala 4) untuk S2
4. Pengalaman kerja min 1 tahun dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Kerja
5. Usia Pada tanggal 01 Nopember 2010 max. 26 tahun untuk S1 dan max 28 tahun untuk S2
6. Enerjik, ambisius dan mampu bekerja keras
7. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris baik Lisan maupu Tulisan
8. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia

Prosedur pendaftaran :
1. Silakan downloand form lamaran di bawah
2. Diisi kemudian dikirim dengan format excel (*.xls) ke email :
dengan Subjek PERUMNAS 2010 Nama Lengkap Jurusan
Contoh : PERUMNAS 2010 Agus Budiyanto Teknik Sipil
paling lambat 05 Oktober 2010
3. Dicetak, ditempel foto kemudian di antar langsung atau dikirim dengan dilampiri,

* Fotokopi Ijazah & Transkrip nilai,
* Surat Keterangan Akreditasi,
* Surat Keterangan Kerja,

ke : CDC UGM Gedung Pusat UGM, lt.3 sayap selatan Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281

(Tuliskan : “PERUMNAS 2010 – Nama Lengkap – Jurusan” di pojok kiri atas amplop)
paling lambat di terima di Kantor CDC UGM tanggal 06 Oktober 2010

Pendaftaran selain di UGM, juga bisa ke dan

PT.Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia job vacancy

A company in capital market industry - subsidiary company of Indonesia Stock Exchange,
urgently needs some candidates to fill position at:

Internship Program (MAGANG)

(Working hours : 8am -5pm, Monday to Friday)

2. at Accounting Department (3 months)
Age max. 22 years old

Please send your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to:

HR Dept.
PT.Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower I, 5th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190
Or by
email: or

You can find out more details of us on

PT. JDA-Indonesia job vacancy

PT. JDA-Indonesia is manpower consultants for the Oil & Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Construction industries within Indonesia. JDA has been servicing the Indonesian Oil & Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Construction industry for 20 years. As a result of the decision to strengthen JDA's presence in Indonesia, JDA-Indonesia is now strongly represented in Indonesia with offices in Jakarta, Balikpapan, Tembagapura and Batu Hijau.

Our client, a multinational mining company located in Sumatra is seeking a:

Recruitment Specialist

The position is to develop and implement the human resources management function from recruitment and selection process, HR report and database management

Position Description:
• Conduct overall recruitment, service and selection
• Provide ccnsultancy aerviceto clients Including human resources function
• Conduct HR report and database management Including all CV updates and contacts
• Handling executive aearch assignments for different level or area of positions

Qualifications Required:
• Degree in any engineering sciences
• 3+ years of experIence in related position and or work experience in Mining / Heavy Equipment / Oll&Gas / Construction tndustnes
• Computer literate and English proficiency
• Ability to work with minimum supervision snd with a constsnt sttentlon to details

Please email your comprehensive resume, recent photograph, current and expected remuneration not later than 10 October 2010 to:



ELNUSA job vacancy

ELNUSA is present amidst Indonesia 's flourish oil and gas business development. Born as the Indonesia 's oil and gas pioneers' idea, in 1969, ELNUSA was initially a subsidiary of PT Pertamina. ELNUSA started its operation as a provider of electronic communications equipment, ship navigation and radar system for oil and gas carriers in Indonesia .

ELNUSA's long business journey has encountered various challenges, yet it has managed to stand still surfing the oil and gas business turmoil in 1980s and survived the 1998's economic crisis as well . ELNUSA, along with its subsidiaries has turned into an integrated oil and gas service provider which has received customer's remarkable trusts. Not only has trust been given by PT Pertamina, the parent company, it has also been delivered by a couple of prominent multi-national partner companies such as Chevron, Total EP, Shell, ConocoPhillips, BP and so on. We are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position:

We are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position :

1. General Manager of Integrated Drilling Services
2. Manager of Integrated Drilling Services
3. Manager of integrated Project Management
4. Manager of Reservoir Testing Services
5. Manager of Malnteflance
6. Sales Account Specialist (Integrated DrillIng Services / Drilling Fluid Services / Wire line Logging, Well Service & Testing)
7. Drilling Engineer
8. Mud Logger
9. Mud Engineer
10. Chief Operator
11. Chief Mechanic Drilling Rig
12. Chief Electric Drilling Rig
13. HSE Officer
14. Legal Counsel New Venture & Finance

• Preferably minimum education: Bachelor degree (S1) of Petroleum Engineer/Mechanic Engineer/Geology: Engineer/Electrical Engineer (No: 1,2,3,4,6), Mechanic / Engineer / Electrical Engineer (No: 5), Petroleum Engineer/Geology Engineer (7,8), Petroleum Engineer, Chemical Engineer (9), Law (14)
• Preferably minimum education: Diploma Bachelor Degree (D3) Mechanic Engineer (10, 11), Electrical: Engineer (12), all educational background (13)
• Having knowledge & Experience in oil & gas min 15 years at the same related area or position (No:1), 10 years (No: 2,3,4,5,6,11,12), 5 years (No:7), 3 years (13), Fresh graduated are welcome (8), 5 Years (14).
• Male / Female, Maximum 45 years old;
• Having Excellence knowledge of Marketing, integrated Project Management and Drilling Rig Operation (1,2,3)
• Fluent in English & Excellent in operating computer
• Having excellent competency of analysis, problem solving & decision making.
• Excellent knowledge in business & economic law matter (14)

for apply please link below:


register and apply your application letter, recent resume, photograph, expected salary and all other important documents to support your application.

Qatargas job vacancy

Qatargas Operating Company has exciting opportunities available for qualified professionals to join our company in the development of the vast North Field in Qatar. Qatargas currently has under development over $20 billion worth of major projects, including the construction of four new Liquefied Natural Gas trains for the production and export of LNG to every corner of the globe.

All the following positions require working experience in the field of Oil, Gas or Petrochemical industry together with excellent oral and written English skills with Computer knowledge.

Current Requirements with a view for face to face interview in Jakarta are:

Contracts Engineer

Minimum Requirements
• Degree in Engineering.
• 10 plus years experience in Energy Industry in the areas of tendering and Contracting. Well experienced in the drafting of tenders and contracts. Should be able to work with minimum supervision, should have good technical and commercial exposure negotiation skills. Should be computer savvy

Senior Buyer

Minimum Requirements
• Degree in Engineering.
• 10 plus years experience in Energy Industry.
• SAP experience required, should possesses excellent negotiation skills
• Knowledge -of quality control is an advantage. Computer literate

Materials Replenishment Planning (MRP) Controller - Warehouse

Minimum Requirements
• Educated to Dcgree level.
• 6 plus years experience in Energy Industry.
• SAP experience required.
• Should be thorough in material inventory replenishing process.

This is a unique career opportunity and is a real chance to experience family quality lifestyle. Our generous package includes:

- Tax Free Salaries and allowances
- Medical and Dental Assistance
- Family Accommodation or Bachelor Apartment
- Children s Education Assistance.
- Paid Annuall leave and flight tickets.

send your resume to address below:

PT. NES Global Technical Consultant
c/o CEO Suite, One Pacific Place
Sudirman Central Business District
15th Floor,JL.Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-5
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Tlp: +6221 2550 2529
Fax: +6221 2550 2555

For more Information about Qatargas, the expatriate community, benefits and Qatar in general, visit

PETROSELAT Ltd job vacancy

PETROSELAT Ltd., operator of Selat Panjang Block PSC, onshore Riau Province, has immediate openings for the following positions to support its fast growing production and new field development activities :

1. Senior Petroleum Engineer
2. Senior Reservoir Engineer
3. Senior Production Engineer
4. Field Superintendent
5. Drilling Engineer
6. Facility Engineer
7. Chief Geologist
8. Senior Geophysicist
9. HR & Administration Supevisor
10. Procurement Officer

Interested applicants must have the following requirements:
• Minimum S1 degree from related disciplines
• Experience no.: 1,2,3,4,7 minimum 15 years in oil & gas industry
• Experience no.: 5,6,8,9 minimum 10 years in oil & gas industry
• Fluent in English for both oral and written.

Please write name of position on Top Right of your application letter. Qualified candidates are encouraged to send RESUME to Petroselat HR-Recruitment: email to address below:


latest by: October 4, 2010.
Only short listed applicants will be contacted for interviews.


PT FUCHS INDONESIA is a PMA manufacturing company located in Cikarang – Bekasi. We are a wholly-owned subsidiary of FUCHS PETROLUB AG (Germany), the world's leading independent supplier of lubricants, with an excellent brand name and a strong presence in the world’s major markets. More information at

To meet the challenges, companyemploys candidates with proven quality for following vacancies:

1. Specialty Lubricants Business Development Manager ( SL-BDM ) - 1 Vacancy
2. Metal Working Business Development Manager ( MW-BDM ) - 1 Vacancy
3. Mining Business Development Manager( M-BDM ) - 1 Vacancy. Station in Balikpapan
4. Production Supervisor (P-S) - 1 Vacancy
5. IT Supervisor ( ITS)- 1 Vacancy
6. Sales Representatives (SR) 10 Vacancies
7. Customer Services & Administration Officers (CSAO)- 5 Vacancies

PT. Fuchs Indonesia is a learning and growing organization. We believe in development of people with the serving attitude, winner s mentality, earning respects and Integrity. Company is looking for professionals with the following Min Quality & Critical Skills:

- Self-disciplined, seif-motiveted, self-actualized & target oriented (1-7)
- Accept ownership to overcome challenges under pressure & to become Winner (1-7)
- Team Playec excellent listening, presentation, interpersonal in interfacing with customers (1-7)
- Team Leader strong planning, coordination, tellow up & Hands on problem soMng skills (1-3)
- Good marketing, selling & strong negotiating skills (1-3)
- Excellent product & product application knowledge (1-3)
- Bachelor Degree (preferably Engineer or Chemistry): 3 years lubricants & technical experience (1-3)

Please tell us about yourself your recent contributions & achievements, your career dreams in English only and your current salary Submit your comprehensive CV with color photos. Copied ID card and indicate the Code of your desired position on the top left side of the envelope to:

PT. Fuchs Indonesia, HR Department
JL. Jababeka VI Blok J6K, Harja Mekar, Cikarang Industrial
Estate, Bekasi 17530

Komatsu Reman Indonesia job vacancy

Komatsu Reman Indonesia is a part of Komatsu Group Worldwide, fast growing international heavy equipment Remanufacturer Company. We urgently need professionals to join our winning team as:

Production Staff

* Male, Single.
* Highly motivated individual for future career opportunity.
* Graduated from Diploma Degree (D3) majoring in Metallurgy/ Mechanical Engineering from reputable university with GPA min. 2.75.
* Good computer skills.
* Good in English written and spoken.
* Experiences candidates is more preferable.

Please send your application, complete CV, supporting documents and your recent photograph with the position code on the upper left corner of the envelope not later than 1st October 2010 to:

Jl. Jawa 14 Blok A-05 Kawasan Berikat Nusantara
Cakung Cilincing, Jakarta Utara 14140

PT Metro Batavia (Batavia Air) job vacancy

Batavia Air terus melakukan pengembangan dan salah satunya dengan mencari sumber daya manusia yang memiliki talenta dan bakat dari berbagai universitas dan institusi pendidikan dan industri. Untuk memenuhi tujuan kami tersebut, kami membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang cerdas, memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk membangun bersama Batavia Air, untuk mencapai kesuksesan perusahaan dan kesuksesan anda secara professional.

Setelah bergabung dengan Batavia Air, anda akan memperoleh banyak kesempatan untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan anda dan mencoba tantangan baru untuk mengasah potensi anda.

Anda akan mendapat pelatihan di berbagai bidang ilmu dan keterampilan dan akan mendapat pengalaman praktek langsung berdasarkan kebutuhan perusahaan di berbagai bidang industri. Batavia Air akan memberikan kesempatan untuk membangun karir anda mencapai profesional dan puncak kesuksesan.

Kami mengundang anda untuk mendaftarkan diri anda di berbagai bidang pekerjaan yang tersedia di Batavia Air dan dengan keinginan yang serius untuk bergabung dengan Batavia Air.

Accounting Staff
(Jakarta Raya)

Pria / Wanita, maks. 28 th
S1 Akuntansi dari universitas terkemuka
IPK Min. 3.00
Fresh Graduate / peng. di bid.nya min.1 th
Jujur, tanggungjawab, memiliki komitmen serta dedikasi yang tinggi dan bisa bekerja di bawah tekanan

Kirim Lamaran, CV lengkap & photo terbaru (tulis kode / subject lamaran di kiri atas amplop) ke:


Saturday, September 25, 2010


THIESS INDONESIA As multinational company with over 6000 employees in Indonesia alone, our people are key to our success. As an employer of choice, we are committed to developing skills and providing opportunities for all employees. Our business provides integrated service in mining, civil construction, mechanical & electrical installation and telecommunication across a number of operational locations throughout Indonesia.

Currently Thiess Indonesia is seeking high calibre candidates for our projects in Kalimantan operations and Jakarta Head Office to fill the position of:

(REF. 686200)

This opportunity provides an exciting career move for a mature, experienced ICT Manager with 10 years + professional IT experience.

Working for this leading multi-national company with a strong presence in Indonesia, you will report directly to the Executive Manager Business Services, and lead a large team of IT professionals in Jakarta & Balikpapan, as well as a broader responsibility for functional guidance and excellence of embedded IT staff on remote mining and construction projeth across Indonesia.

This is your chance to make your mark and become an integral part of a very busy and demanding (CT department. The role will provide you with the autonomy to manage a sizable annual budget and to make business critical decisions that will drive the delivery of quality technology and communication solutions.

The ideal candidate is a degree qualified manager with a broad range of experience across a range of IT disciplines, and who is hands on, goal oriented and can paint a bigger picture whilst not missing the smaller details.

Minimum requirements:
• IT Degree qualified. Higher education and education undertaken internationally a distinct advantage.
• Fluent English language skills both oral and written. 10 years working experience, 5 years managing a team in a similar role.
• Demonstrated ability to manage various projects & people within an international, native English speaking corporate environment.
• Ability to work under pressure, excellent time management.

The successful applicant will be offered a highly competitive salary package designed to attract the highest calibre individual.

Please apply in here:


PT. Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama job vacancy

PT. Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama as part of PT. Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk is One, of Indonesia Largest Coal Mining Contractors. Acknowledged by National and International Mining Management System Certification, Buma provide Mining Service, Construction & Heavy Equipment Rental to Coal Producers whmch have granted Coal Mining Concessions in Indonesia

We Are Inviting Young Highly Motivated and Enthusiastic Professional to Strengthen BUMA s Business

1. Heavy Equipment Mechanic
- Male, max. 35 years old
- Min. SMU /STM in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
- Having heavy equipment training certificate

2. Crane Operator
- Male, max. 35 years old
- Min. SMU /STM in Mechartal & Electrical Engineering
- Having SIO Grade 2

3. Heavy Equipment Maintenance Foreman
- Male, max. 35 years old
- Min. D3 in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

4. Heavy Equipment Auto Electrical Specialist
- Male, max. 35 years old
- Min. D3 in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
- Having auto electrical certificate

5. Heavy Equipment Maintenance Planner
- Male, max. 35 years old
- Min. D3 in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

6. Heavy Equipment Maintenance Instructor
- Male, max. 35 years old
- Min. D3 in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

7. Heavy Equipment Maintenance Supervisor
- Male, max. 40 years old
- Min. D3 in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

8. Heavy Equipment Fabrication Supervisor
- Male, max 40 years
- Min D3 in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

9. Heavy Equipment Maintenance Engineer
- Male, max. 40 years old
- Min. D3 in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

General Requirement:
• Min. 3 years experience in same position
• Wiling to be placed in Kalimantan

Please send your resume and indicate the position applied on the top left corner of the envelope or as a email subject to:

PO Box 3636 / PLUS / JKB 11036

PT Atlas Resources job vacancy

PT Atlas Resources, one of growing fast coal company in Indonesia, there are currently operate and explore locations in the key commercial coal area East Kalimantan, South Sumatra and Papua. For new project at East Kalimantan & South Sumatra, we need highly qualified, dynamic, energetic, strong leadership and experienced professionals. Come and join our team for the following positions:

1. Mine Managers

The Responsibility:
To manage and organize all activities in mining operation such operational mining activities, all mining support activities and mine operation evaluation to achieve production target.

2. Landcom Supervisors

The Responsibility:
To support Project Administration Manager for land acquisition in accordance with Indonesian law.

General Requirement:
• Bachelor degree in Mining engineering (1-2) from reputable university
• At least 10 years (1) ; 5 years (2) experience in mining company
• Having POU Certificate (1); POM (2-3); POP (4)
• Experiences in planning, scheduling and evaluating mining activities, and implementation of community development programs (1); Good Mine Plan Competencies (2), Coal Quality, Stockpile Management and Barging Management , (3)Budgeting and Cost Control (2-3); High responsibility towards achieve the production target (4); Good experiences to land acquisition.

Please send your detail CV and supporting document to:


Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up. Thank you.

PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) job vacancy

PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) operates the Batu Hijau copper/gold mine in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB). PTNNT is committed to becoming a leader in safety, environmental stewardship and social responsibility. The Company is inviting skilled, trained, highly committed and dedicated Indonesian professionals to be part of our team in Sumbawa for the position:


This operationally critical is responaible for the supervision and direction of NNT maintenance personnel and contractor maintenance personnel to ensurethat levels of equipment maintenance are maintained at a level to meet production requirements.

• B.Sc Degree Mechanical or Electrical Engineering.
• Minimum of ten (10) years of Maintenance related experience is required.
• Minimum of five (5) years of related Supervisory / Management experience.
• Technical background in P&H 4100 ElectrIcal Shovel, IR DMH Drill and Fabrication.
• Experience in the management and administration of budgets in a multinational company.
• Strong leadership and a people onented outlook
• Good written and oral comnsrnioatlon skills.


To coordinate the activities of NNT maintenance and contractor maintenance work across shifts and to ensure iMiat adequate resources are available to meet production and maintenance needs.

• B.S. degree in Mechanica/Engineering or relevant Trade Certificate, with 5 (five) years experience in a supervisory position in the mining industry, or an equivalent combination of training and experience are necessary.
• Certified of Competency for Middle Operational/Supervisor of Over Haul Shovel and Mine Environment from OEMR.
• Good communication skill both Indonesian and English.
• Good interpersonal skill & problem solving.
• Experience in heavy equipment maintenance in a mining enyironment.

All applications will be treated confidentially and must be sent no later than 7 days after the publication of this advertisement. Please specify position name and code you are applying for on the top right corner of your application letter. Only short listed candidates wilt be contacted.

Send your application letter to address below:

HR Recruitment - PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara
JL. Sriwijaya No. 258, Mataram 83126, NIB, Indonesia P0. BOX 1022
Fax: 0370-636318 Ext. 48042, e-mail:

BHP Billiton job vacancy

BHP Billiton is the world's largest mining company. It is also the largest company in Australia by Market capitalisation. It was created in 2001 by the merger of Australia's Broken Hill Proprietary Company (BHP) and the UK's Billiton, which had a Dutch and South African background. The result is a dual-listed company with head offices in Melbourne and London. BHP Billiton Limited, which is the majority partner in the dual-listed structure, is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. BHP Billiton Plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.

Risk & Governance Co-Ordinator

Reporting to Finance Controller, this position will be based on Jakarta and responsible to construct, implement and fine-tuneiisk and governance systems as they apply to the IndoMet Coal Project. This position also accountable for delivering the business objectives as set out in the Project business plan, liaise with functional, operational and project managers Inpianning and administering best practice Risk Management Systems and also accountable for the effectiveness of Commercial Services Compliance & Governance processes çincludes SOX, internal audit, Group Level Documents (OLD s), insurance, Quarterly Site Health Checks, Approvals Framework, policy development and maintenance).

To be considered for this position, you must have minimum 4 years experience in Risk Management System, Commercial Services Compliance & Governance process, and having tertiary qualifications in Accountin9 or Related discipline. You also must be able to work with contract partners and familiar with SAP

BHP Billiton has an overriding comitment to safety and enviromental responsibility

Send your application to address below:


before 1 october 2010 and kindly state RGCoor_your name at the email subject.

PETROSEA job vacancy

PETROSEA is a leading engineering, construction and mining company with a track record of achievement in Indonesia for more than 36 years. Petrosea has been involved in the development of Indonesia s considerable oil & gas, mining and infrastructure industries. Petrosea is also operating in Southeast Asia Region with some challenging projects.

Currently, we are seeking highly competent and calibrated people to fill in position with following experiences and skills:
for apply please click here:

Suprabari Mapanindo Mineral

Suprabari Mapanindo Mineral, a multinational company in Coal Mining Industry intending to commence operation in the North Barito, Central Kalimantan. We are seeking dynamic and creative, professionals who have a successful track record in their fields to join and grow with our team.

I. External Affairs and Community Development Manager

Key Accountabilities
• Plan, manage and control community development plan and its implementation activities at mining sites based on government regulations, including land acquisition, etc
• Developing strategies to resolve land access and land use conflicts in line with company policy and standards and maintaining positive company profile and reputation in the conduct of all land acquisition activities
• Ensuring proper documentation of all land transactions to provide comprehensive records in line with legal requirements and future asset protections.
• Plan, communicate and negotiation land compensation requirement with land owners within reasonable price and time frame
• Prepare documentation for land certificate application
• Lead the establishment and maintenance of communications with community, governmental organizations, suppliers, and contractor
• Prepare case analysis, provide solution and recommendation related with community development issues, propose to superior
• Final review upon all community development supporting document to ensure it has been accurately prepared and completed based on standard operating procedure and regulation;
• Represent Company in handling high-level issues regarding government and other external affairs;
• Provide advisory/recommendation related with community development based on updated information related with new community development regulation and or issues in mining area;
• Develop/ establish and maintain high level communication with government to update any related community development issues, new regulations, policies
• Plan, manage and control problems handling and potential issues handling related with community development plan and implementation activities (including identify the problems, leading in litigation process, liaise with company s lawyer/law firm);
• Perform other duties/ tasks within Company’s organization as necessary and required

Specific Requirements
• Bachelor Degree
• Minimum 5 years hands on experience in the same position in mining industry
• Communicative, high integrity, good team work and initiative

II. External Affairs and Community Development Specialist

Key Accountabilities:
1. Conduct land release activities in the field and follow the regulations of company (SOP) and government regulation.
2. To ensure land ownership document is original and legal.
3. Lobbying and negotiate with land owners for land compensation price and other urgencies.
4. Conduct good relationship with the local leaders, Desa, Kecamatan including regency official in PT. SMM project area
5. Handle conflict in the field between company and all the stake holder including the land owners.
6. Keep all information and data of land access with carefully
7. Good coordination with any department personnel in the field.
8. Assists EA and CD manager to ensure that program and initiatives are within budget and schedule and comply with company policies and procedures
9. Assists team survey in the field for land measurement and inventory of crops.
10. Deliver the Community development program in the field and make sure all the program follow the government and company regulation
11. Develop/ establish and maintain communication with government to update any related community development issues, new regulations, policies;
12. Manage and anticipate potential issues related with community development plan and implementation activities

Specific Requirements:
1. Min. D3 any Major from reputable University.
2. Preferably male, 30- 45 years old and will be placed at remote area.
3. Knowing about Labor Law, Mining regulation,
4. Good Communication, teamwork, initiative, integrity, interpersonal skills
5. Highly self motivated, Strong Leadership, and discipline

III. Personnel & GA Officer

Key Accountabilities:
• Responsible to maintain and update personnel database and HR recording include staff personal data, leave record, labor cost report, etc
• Prepare and update overtime data, medical claim, etc
• Handle general affair activities such as ordering ticket, hotel, car usage, maintenance of camp & office facilities, etc
• Handle industrial relation issues
• Coordinates and implements medical services programs that suits to the company policy and procedure
• To liaise with the government officials such as Manpower dept, Local government, etc to ensure compliance of regulations.

Specific Requirements:
• Diploma Degree from reputable university in Management or equivalent.
• Having at least 3 years experiences handling Personnel & GA, experiences in coal mining industry is an advantage.
• Good communication skills in Indonesia and English (oral and written ) and possesses the ability to communicate and manage relationships with a wide range of people.
• Good analytical skill, results oriented, initiative and able to work in a team
• Willing to be located at Site ( remote area )

IV. Surveyor

Key Accountabilities
1. Understand to do survey & data process by manual & computerized system,
2. Scheduling and conducting the mine survey by using total station instrument (Total Station, Theodolite, etc).
3. In cooperation with contractor to do survey for monthly progress claim and pit development.
4. Preparation of mine plans / section as per the mining law of Indonesia and per other needs.
5. Provide detailed surveys of mine workings
6. Analyze survey control
7. Mine planning and maintaining computer models of mine

Specific Requirements
1. Min D3/S1 Geodetic from reputable University
2. Having Experience within 3-5 years experience on civil construction & mining
3. English min. passive
4. Willing to work at mine site
5. Knowledge of mine planning and survey related software

V. CAD Operator

Key Accountabilities
1. Able to operating Auto cad software
2. Able to processing design and construction drawings to support engineering team
3. Have good understanding of compiling engineering monthly reports
4. Good Oral & Written skills and Interpretation in English and Bahasa

Specific Requirements:
1. Min. STM
2. Fresh graduate is welcome or min. 1 years experience as Mining Engineer in Coal Mining Company
3. Familiar with computer literate Microsoft Office and have good knowledge of software Autocad
4. Initiative, planning & organizing skills, problem solving, time management, interpersonal skills, teamwork, and client focus and be result driven
5. Willing to work at mine site

VI. Legal Staff

Key Accountabilities
1. Knowledge of organizational polices in legal affairs, especially in services business law and contract matters
2. Good understanding in all relevant law and regulations, especially in mining law is more preferable
3. Able to handling legal issues which related with new capital investment, incoming new investor, litigation, making resolutions etc.
4. Able to handling land compensation and land acquisition
5. Able to cooperate with third party lawyer to review agreement such as: loan agreement, subscription agreement, commercial agreement, etc and to handle official documents
6. Having good relation with Government Institutions (such as Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia s Investment Coordination Board/BKPM) to handle permits that related to legal matters
7. Manage legal correspondence and legal documentation filling

Specific Requirements
1. Male, 24-28 years old, wiling to travel at mine site
2. Min. S1 Law from reputable University
3. Having Experience min. 1 years experience in the same area at multinational company.
4. Trustworthy and respect confidentiality
5. Analytical problem solving.

If you meet the above requirement, please submit your comprehensive resume and recent photograph within 14 days from date of advertisement to address below:


Kindly put the job code in the subject of your e-mail (maximum capacity 2 MB)

Leighton International job vacancy

Leighton International is one of the leading contractors and project developers in Asia and the Middle East. Our strength is our ability to develop innovative, practical solutions for our clients. Since 1975 our unique combination of local knowledge and extensive international experience has made us the international contractor of choice in the countries in which we operate.

We operate in Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Brunei, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and are expanding further across the Middle East and North Africa.

We employ around 40,000 people across two separate operating companies: India, Malaysia and Offshore Oil and Gas; and the Al Habtoor Leighton Group, which operates in the Middle East and North Africa.

Position: Plant Training Supervisor
Location: Kalimantan (Site based)

- At least SMU A Level with 2 years experience as field trainer
- Able to train, test and audit mechanics
- Has completed train the trainer training
- Has completed a recognized Apprentice Training Program
- Has experience in Heavy Equipment Maintenance and Maintenance Planning
- Understands Maintenance Training curricula
- Good use of English and Bahasa Indonesia
- Good computer ability

Mechanic Trainer (Balikpapan based)

- Recognized Trade or Mechanical Engineering
- Have minimum 5 years experience in mechanic of heavy equipment.
- Have at least 1 year experience in training, preferably have Certificate IV in training.
- Have good presentation and training skills
- Good in English and MS Office
- Have good interpersonal and communication skills.

Please send complete application to address below:


(please mention the position as email subject)



1. Persyaratan
a. memiliki ijazah minimal sarjana setingkat strata-1 (S-1) dari perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta yang terakreditasi dengan jurusan manajemen/bisnis (manajemen, akuntansi, manajemen bisnis, micro finance, bisnis logistik dan transportasi), manajemen informatika, teknik (informatika, sipil, arsitektur, industri), hukum dan psikologi.
b. indeks prestasi kumulatif minimal 2,75
c. belum berkeluarga kecuali pelamar dari karyawan PT Pos Indonesia (persero)
d. diutamakan telah memiliki pengalaman atau telah bekerja pada suatu unit kerja institusi/perusahaan/lembaga/kantor. pelamar dari karyawan PT Pos Indonesia mempunyai masa kerja minimal 4 tahun.
e. usia maksimal 28 tahun pada saat memasukkan lamaran. pelamar dari karyawan PT Pos indonesia usia maksimal 35 tahun.
f. membuat surat pernyataan bermaterai sebagai berikut:
- bersedia untuk tidak melakukan pernikahan selama masa program orientasi kerja
- dalam keadaan tidak hamil selama masa program orientasi kerja
- bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah indonesia
- bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas
g. Tidak sedang dalam proses pengusutan suatu pelanggaran dengan pihak berwajib karena tindakan kriminal dan tidak terlibat perkara narkoba atau psikotropika lainnya yang dilarang penggunaannya, yang dinyatakan dengan surat keterangan catatan kepolisian (SKCK) dari kepolisian
h. melampirkan sertifikat toefl tahun 2009-2010 jika ada
i. lulus seleksi yang dilaksanakan meliputi seleksi/test:
- administrasi
- test potensi akademik (TPA)
- psikotest
- kesehatan dan wawancara

2. Cara Melamar
pelamar mengirimkan berkas lamaran melalui kantor pos terdekat menggunakan layanan pos express atau surat kilat khusus dialamatkan kepada:
Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
c.q Kepala divisi pengembangan sumber daya manusia
Jl. cilaki no.73 Bandung 40115
Paling lambat tanggal 11 oktober 2010 (cap pos)

berkas lamaran yang masuk menjadi hak milik PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)

Friday, September 24, 2010


PT ISTANA KARANG LAUT a privately owned Indonesian company, was established in 1981 to supply process equipment , plants and facilities for the Oil + Gas Industry. Today ISTANA KARANG LAUT is a fully established and experienced Supplier of Pre-Assembled Process Equipment & EPC Contractor involved in Design, and Construction of Process Plant in Indonesia, South East Asia as well as Central Asia and the Middle East.

The company is located in Jakarta with a combined Expatriate/Indonesian team of highly motivated and experienced specialist managers and engineers equipped with the latest computer software and technology to meet the highest International codes and standards. , is immediately seeking highly qualified and experience professional who can work as a team with proven competencies in the whole range of development and improvement initiatives to fill the following positions for:


Please send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph & contact number in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary. Please indicate the position as email subject to address below:


All applicants will be treated as strictly confidential. Only a short list of candidates will be interviewed.




Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah berdasarkan surat Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur
Negara Nomor 581.F/M.PAN-RB/7/2010 tentang Persetujuan Prinsip Tambahan Formasi CPNS Pusat Tahun 2010,
membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita yang memiliki integritas dan komitmen tinggi
untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil untuk mengisi lowongan formasi LKPP tahun 2010.

1. Kualifikasi pendidikan :
Administrasi Negara
Ekonomi Statistik
Manajemen Pendidikan
Hubungan Internasional

Administrasi Perkantoran
Administrasi Niaga
Teknik Telekomunikasi
Teknik Komputer

2. Ketentuan Umum :
Proses Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS LKPP Tahun 2010 ini terbuka untuk semua Warga Negara Indonesia.
Bersedia mengikuti seluruh proses tahapan seleksi di Jakarta atas biaya sendiri.
Pelamar tidak diperkenankan menghubungi/berhubungan dengan pejabat/pegawai LKPP dalam
kaitannya dengan proses seleksi.
Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun.

3. Persyaratan UMUM :
Warga Negara Indonesia, sehat jasmani dan rohani;
Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang
sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap, karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan;
Tidak berstatus sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil/Pegawai Negeri Sipil;
Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat
sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/POLRI atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta;
Tidak menjadi anggota dan atau pengurus partai politik;

4. Persyaratan KHUSUS :
Berusia paling rendah 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan paling tinggi 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada 1 Desember
2010 (lahir setelah 30 November 1975);
Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang program
studinya terakreditasi ‘A’ oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi, dengan persyaratan IPK :
1). Sarjana (S1) minimal 2,75
2). Diploma Tiga (D3) minimal 2,75
Bagi pelamar dengan kualifikasi pendidikan D3, diutamakan bagi yang memiliki sertifikat profesi yang
menunjang kompetensi pendidikan dan diterbitkan oleh lembaga yang berwenang (contoh, untuk D3 Akuntansi
telah memiliki sertifikat Brevet A atau Brevet B);
Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan maupun tulisan) yang dibuktikan dengan hasil tes, dengan nilai
minimal TOEFL 450 atau score setara;
Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran (online).

5. Pendaftaran :
Melakukan pendaftaran online melalui situs mulai tanggal 23 September 2010 pukul 15.00 WIB
s.d. tanggal 7 Oktober 2010 pukul 09.00 WIB;
Disamping melakukan pendaftaran online, peserta harus mengirimkan berkas lamaran kepada Panitia
Rekrutmen Penerimaan CPNS LKPP TA 2010 melalui Pos mulai tanggal 24 September 2010 (CAP POS)
dan berakhir pada tanggal 7 Oktober 2010 (CAP POS), serta sudah harus diterima Panitia paling
lambat tanggal 8 Oktober 2010 pukul 09.00 WIB, ditujukan ke PO BOX 4055 JKTM 12700;
Setiap Pelamar hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan satu berkas lamaran apabila peserta lulus seleksi
Panitia berhak menempatkan CPNS sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi;
Registrasi online akan diproses setelah Panitia menerima berkas lamaran yang disampaikan melalui pos;
Panitia hanya menerima berkas lamaran yang disampaikan melalui PO BOX tersebut di atas dan tidak
menerima format penyampaian lainnya;
Berkas lamaran terdiri dari :
Surat lamaran, ditulis tangan dan ditandatangani sendiri oleh pelamar dengan menggunakan
tinta hitam, ditujukan kepada Kepala Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah;
Foto copy ijazah dan transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir (cap basah dan tanda tangan asli) oleh Rektor
/Dekan/Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik bagi Universitas/Institut, atau Ketua/Pembantu Ketua Bidang
Akademik bagi Sekolah Tinggi, atau Ditjen Dikti Depdiknas/Kemendiknas bagi lulusan Perguruan Tinggi
Luar Negeri, dengan menyebutkan pejabatnya. Surat Keterangan Lulus tidak berlaku;
Pas photo terakhir berukuran 3 x 4 cm sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar dan ditulis nama pelamar di bagian
belakang photo;
Perangko satu (1) buah (untuk pengiriman kembali berkas lamaran yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan).
Berkas Lamaran dimasukkan dalam map kertas jepit berlubang dengan warna :
a. MERAH untuk Sarjana (S1);
b. KUNING untuk Diploma Tiga (D3).
Map berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam amplop warna coklat dan di pojok kiri atas ditulis nomor
Berkas lamaran yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan tersebut di atas tidak akan diproses;
Berkas lamaran yang diterima Panitia menjadi milik Panitia dan tidak dapat diminta kembali oleh Pelamar;
Pelamar diminta untuk tidak melampirkan dokumen-dokumen lain selain yang tersebut pada butir f.

6. Pelaksanaan seleksi :
Seleksi administrasi;
Ujian TPA dan Tes Substansi (pengetahuan mengenai LKPP) dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18
Oktober 2010. Tempat pelaksaan ujian akan ditentukan kemudian (Jakarta);
Asesmen Kompetensi dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 s.d 2 November 2010. Tempat
pelaksanaan ujian akan ditentukan kemudian (Jakarta);
Wawancara dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 s.d 12 November 2010. Tempat pelaksanaan ujian
akan ditentukan kemudian (Jakarta);
Pelamar yang lulus pada setiap tahapan ujian akan diumukan melalui situs;
Seleksi dilakukan dengan sistem gugur dan keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

7. Pengumuman hasil Seleksi Administrasi dan Pengiriman Kartu Tanda Peserta Ujian :
Hanya Pelamar yang telah melakukan registrasi online dan memenuhi seluruh persyaratan untuk melamar/
persyaratan pendaftaran, yang akan diluluskan dalam tahapan Seleksi Administrasi. Hasil Seleksi Administrasi
dijadwalkan akan diumumkan pada tanggal 12 Oktober 2010 melalui situs;
Pelamar yang telah dinyatakan lulus tahapan Seleksi Administrasi akan menerima Kartu Tanda Peserta Ujian
(KTPU) yang akan dikirim ke alamat email masing-masing pelamar sebagai syarat mengikuti seleksi.
Pengiriman KTPU dijadwalkan pada tanggal 13 s.d. 15 Oktober 2010.

8. Lain-lain :
Panitia tidak bertanggung jawab atas keterlambatan proses pegiriman surat.
LKPP tidak bertanggung jawab atas pungutan atau tawaran berupa apapun oleh oknum-oknum yang
mengatasnamakan LKPP atau Panitia;
Pelamar diharapkan tidak melayani tawaran-tawaran untuk mempermudah penerimaan sebagai CPNS LKPP;
Lamaran yang dikirimkan kepada LKPP sebelum pengumuman ini dianggap tidak berlaku;
Informasi resmi yang terkait dengan seleksi CPNS LKPP tahun 2010 hanya dapat dilihat dalam situs internet
LKPP Diharapkan para pelamar untuk terus memantaunya.

lowongan kerja lainnya klik disini:

PT. SINAR SOSRO job vacancy

PT. SINAR SOSRO, a company that produces packaged ready-to-drink tea. Its products consist of Tehbotol Sosro, Fruit Tea Sosro, Joy Tea Green Sosro, TEBS, Happy Jus, and Air Minum Prim-A. SOSRO is the pioneer of packaged ready-to-drink tea in Indonesia. The name SOSRO is taken from the name of the founding family, namely SOSRODJOJO. Along with the business growth, on November 27, 2004, PT SINAR SOSRO and PT GUNUNG SLAMAT were made subsidiaries of a holding company, namely PT ANGGADA PUTRA REKSO MULIA (Rekso Group),

PT. GUNUNG SLAMAT, a company that produces dried ready-to-serve tea. Its products consist of Teh Celup Sosro, Teh Cap Botol, Teh Poci, Teh Terompet, Teh Sadel, Teh Sepatu dan Teh Berko. In 2008, PT. GUNUNG SLAMAT won Top Brand Award 2008 for bagged tea category.

PT. Sinar Sosro is looking for young professional, ambitious and highly motivated individual to join our team in a succcessful company for the position as:


* Graduated in any discipline
* Minimum 4 years experiences in handling Brand Product
* Preferred experience in natural spring water industry / AMDK
* Having a good network with retailer / outlets and Media agencies
* Able to communicate in English both oral and written is a must and able to communicate in other foreigner language will be an advantage
* Proactive, ambitious, target oriented and able to cope with rapidly changing and dynamic environment
* Excellent communication skill & interpersonal relationship
* Hardworking, Customer Focus & able to work in a team.
* Dynamic and pro active


* Maximal age 35 years old
* S1 Graduated in Food Technology/Biology/Chemistry
* Having 5 years experience as Research & Development in managerial level
* Experience in natural spring water industry / AMDK
* Familiar with MS Office & internet
* Good in leadership, communication, posses positive motivation and has an interest in people development area
* Having excellent correspondence and administration skill
* Ability to work independently with high accuracy, detail oriented, strong critical thinker, strong negotiation & analytical skill

Reporting directly to Director Operational, the incumbent is fully accountable for managing sales & marketing functions and ensuring bigger portion of market shares through comprehensive marketing, sales and distribution strategy and implementation.


* Minimum S-1, in business and marketing management would be highly advatangeous.
* Male with age range 30 – 43 years old.
* Experienced in the field of Marketing and Sales Management minimum 8 years (required)
* Experienced in handling New Projects (Planning, Manage Sales & Support Organization)
* Possess a current network of business partners that can facilitate local operations
* Working knowledge of the Internet industry, programming / technical skills are an added advantage
* Strong leadership skills, good communicator and innovative problem-solver
* Sound competency in sales & marketing management function along with strong business acumen, strategic & analytical thinking, sales & marketing research insight.
* Strong leadership with sound managerial competency and goal oriented drive.
* Fluent communication skill, both writing and spoken, and supported by multi-cultural wisdom and understanding.

Please submit a comprehensive resume and recent photograph (with position on the subject) to address below:

Jl. Raya Sultan Agung KM 28 Kelurahan Medan Satria
Bekasi 17132 Jawa Barat

Only short listed candidate will be follow up

OSRAM job vacancy

 OSRAM is a globally oriented, leading lighting expert with headquarter in Germany, offering cutting-edge lighting solutions since more than 100 years. We are driven by the ambition to perform at the highest level at all times. Total quality and cost leadership are part of our corporate culture. In Indonesia, OSRAM Indonesia has now been operating for more than 11 years and we are looking forward to further expand our activity in the market. If you are ready for challenging employment opportunities and an international career development, join us now! Passion for light – Solutions for life.

Sales Executive (Code : SE)
Responsibility :

* For successful business of all product under the brand of OSRAM for the region of DKI and West Java Market through distributor.
* Sales planning & strategy, monitoring, evaluation and analyze of sales, distribution and trade marketing activities.
* Product supply , distribution and all trade promotion.

Qualification :

* Degree in Electrical of other subject related.
* Having a minimum of 2 years experience in Sales Project or Industrial Market.
* Excellent in computer tools such Ms. Office and having SAP would be advantage.
* Able to communicate in English (oral and written) and Excellent in computer tools such Microsoft Office.
* Result and process oriented. Good leadership, communication, negotiation and sales analytical skills.

HR Staff ( Code: HRS )
Responsibility :

* Employee salary calculation
* HR administration & analysis (such as : absenteeism, overtime, working hour, working schedule, etc.)
* Conduct the employee counseling & recruitment
* Preparing all HR reports
* Maintain HRIS Data

Qualification :

* Diploma and degree in Management, Psychology or Law.
* Able to communicate in English (oral & written).
* Excellent in computer literate such as MS Office, HRMS/HRIS, SAP system.
* Has experience in HR Field minimum 2 years.
* Understood payroll process, income tax calculation, employee consultation.
* Having good knowledge in labor regulation.
* Good leadership and analytical

Production Technician ( Code: PT )
Responsibility :

* Keeping machine efficiency, shrinkage and quality following to the target.
* Working as technical such as alignment, repairing, lubrication and regular maintenance.
* Maintain machines following plan.
* Fully responsibility daily routine process control check and mechanical aspect.
* Responsible to the raw material consumption.
* Keeping stable process and continuous improvement.
* Fill in hourly record of defect each machines and detail analysis to take into fast action.

Qualification :

* Diploma in Technical, Electrical or Mechanical Studies.
* From 3-5 years experiences in engineering field Prefer in lighting manufacturing.
* TPM experience.
* Maintenance program experience.
* Able to communicate in English (oral and written).

Please sent your application letter with photograph, comprehensive resume and quote the position code as a subject including telephone number and email to address below:



PLN saat ini mempekerjakan 47.532 staf dari seluruh Indonesia dengan rasio 15,6% di antaranya berpendidikan sarjana dan pasca sarjana. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan kemampuan dan kompetensi sumber daya manusia bagi perkembangan teknologi, PLN akan selalu mengusahakan berbagai pendidikan dan kegiatan pelatihan melalui jasa pendidikan baik di lingkungan PLN sendiri maupun menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai univesitas dan lembaga pendidikan di dalam dan luar negeri. PLN kembali akan melaksanakan rekrutmen, posisi jabatan yang dibuka untuk rekrutmen adalah sebagai berikut


1. Berkas Lamaran dikirimkan mulai tanggal 22 September s.d. 14 Oktober 2010;

2. Persyaratan :
* · Lulus S1 atau D3;
* · Merupakan Lulusan PTN/PTS
* · Batas Usia :
S1 : Kelahiran 1984 dan sesudahnya
D3 : Kelahiran 1986 dan sesudahnya
* · IPK :
IPK > 2,75 untuk Teknik
IPK > 3,00 untuk Non Teknik

3. Mengisi data pendaftaran dan menyerahkan berkas lamaran melalui Subagian Kerjasama Dalam Negeri Universitas Lampung tanggal 22 September s.d. 14 Oktober 2010 pada jam kerja.

Kelengkapan berkas lamaran:
a. Copy Ijasah/keterangan lulus yang dilegalisir;
b. Copy transkrip nilai terakhir yang dilegalisir;
c. Copy KTP;
d. Pasfoto terbaru ukuran 3×4 sebanyak 2 lembar;
e. Formulir Isian yang disediakan panitia.
Pendaftar yang tidak membawa kelima item di atas tidak dapat mengikuti proses lebih lanjut;

4. Satu pelamar hanya diperbolehkan memilih 1 (satu) posisi jabatan sesuai bidang studi dan tingkat pendidikan yang dimiliki;

5. Panggilan peserta dan lokasi tes akan diumumkan melalui Universitas Lampung ( dan website;

6. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi Panitia Rekruitmen Pegawai PLN di Universitas Lampung Gedung Rektorat Lantai II (Ruang Tim Kerja Pembantu Rektor IV Telp. 0721-701609 ext 160 atau 142);

7. Penempatan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia;

8. Keputusan Tim Penerimaan Pegawai tidak dapat diganggu gugat;

9. Proses Penerimaan Pegawai PT. PLN (Persero) tidak dipungut biaya apapun;

10. Bersedia untuk tidak merokok di tempat/lingkungan kerja;

11. Posisi Rekrutmen Pegawai PT. PLN (Persero) :
A. Posisi S1 :
* · ED (Assistant Engineer di bidang Distribusi Tenaga Listrik :
Teknik Elektro Industri, Teknik Elektro Kontrol, Teknik Energi Listrik, Teknik Listrik/Elektro Arus Kuat, Teknik Listrik Industri, Teknik Tenaga Listrik.
* · EP (Assistant Engineer di bidang Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro Industri, Teknik Elektro Kontrol, Teknik Energi Listrik, Teknik Listrik, Teknik Listrik Industri, Teknik Tenaga Listrik, Teknik Mesin, Perawatan Mekanik, Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan, Teknik Konversi Energi, Teknik Mekatronika, Teknik Mesin Industri, Teknik Pengaturan.
* · ES (Assistant Engineer di bidang Sistem Tenaga Listrik :
Teknik Elektro Industri, Teknik Energi Listrik, Teknik Listrik, Teknik Listrik Industri, Teknik Pengaturan, Teknik Tenaga Listrik.
* · HM (Assistant analyst di bidang hubungan masyarakat) : Ilmu Komunikasi
* · HK (Assistant analyst di bidang hukum) : Ilmu Hukum

B. Posisi D3

1. TDT (Junior Engineer di bidang Distribusi Tenaga Listrik) :
Teknik Elektro Industri, Teknik Elektro Kontrol, Teknik Energi Listrik, Teknik Listrik, Teknik Listrik Industri, Teknik Tenaga Listrik.

2. TPE (Junior Engineer Konstruksi di bidang Pembangkit, Gardu Induk, Transmisi dan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro Industri, Teknik Elektro Kontrol, Teknik Energi Listrik, Teknik Listrik/Elektro Arus Kuat, Teknik Listrik Industri, Teknik Tenaga Listrik, Teknik Elektro Industri, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Mesin Industri, Teknik Mekatronika, Teknik Tenaga Listrik,Teknik Sipil.

3. TPL (Junior Engineer di bidang Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik )
Teknik Elektro Industri Teknik Elektro Kontrol, Teknik Energi Listrik, Teknik Listrik, Teknik Listrik Industri, Teknik Tenaga Listrik, Teknik Fisika, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Mesin Industri, Teknik Mekatronika, Teknik Konversi Energi, Teknik Instrumentasi.

4. TSO (Junior Engineer di bidang Sistem Operasi Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro Industri, Teknik Energi Listrik, Teknik Listrik, Teknik Listrik Industri, Teknik Pengaturan, Teknik Tenaga Listrik,

5. TPD (Junior Analyst di bidang Pengolahan Data)
Teknik Komputer, Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan, Manajemen Informatika, Komputer Akuntansi, Ilmu Komputer, Informatika Industri, Manajemen Informatika, Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer, Manajemen Komputer, Manajemen Sistem Informasi, Sistem Informasi, Sistem Komputer, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Informatika Komputer, Teknologi Informasi,Teknologi Sistem Informasi.

6. PKU (Junior Analyst Keuangan) :
Administrasi Keuangan, Administrasi Manajemen Keuangan, Administrasi Niaga, Administrasi Niaga dan Kesekretariatan, Ekonomi Pembangunan, Ilmu Ekonomi, Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, Keuangan, Keuangan dan Perbankan, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah, Manajemen, Manajemen Bisnis, Manajemen dan Perdagangan, Manajemen dan Studi Pembangunan, Manajemen Keuangan, Manajemen Keuangan dan Perbankan, Manajemen Keuangan dan Perpajakan, Manajemen Pemasaran, Manajemen Umum, Studi Pembangunan

7. PNG (Junior Analyst di bidang Niaga Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Komputer, Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan, Manajemen Informatika, Komputer Akuntansi, Ilmu Komputer, Informatika Industri, Manajemen Informatika, Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer, Manajemen Komputer, Manajemen Sistem Informasi, Sistem Informasi, Sistem Komputer, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Informatika Komputer, Teknologi Informasi, Teknologi Sistem Informasi, Ilmu Ekonomi, Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat, Keuangan, Keuangan dan Perbankan, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah, Manajemen, Manajemen Bisnis, Manajemen dan Perdagangan, Manajemen dan Studi Pembangunan, Manajemen Keuangan, Manajemen Keuangan dan Perbankan, Manajemen Keuangan dan Perpajakan, Manajemen Pemasaran, Manajemen Perusahaan, Manajemen Umum, Pemasaran, Studi Pembangunan

8. PAS (Junior Analyst Administrasi)
Ilmu Komputer, Informatika Industri, Manajemen Informatika, Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer, Manajemen Komputer, Manajemen Sistem Informasi, Sistem Informasi, Sistem Komputer, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Informatika Komputer, Teknologi Informasi, Teknologi Sistem Informasi, Administrasi Bisnis, Administrasi Bisnis Perkantoran Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik, Administrasi Hukum, Administrasi Kepegawaian, Administrasi Perdagangan, Administrasi Pembangunan, Administrasi Sekretari, Ilmu Administrasi, Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis, Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal, Ilmu Administrasi Niaga, Ilmu Kesekretariatan, Kesekretariatan, Kesekretariatan dan Administrasi Perkantoran, Komputerisasi Perkantoran dan Kesekretariatan, Manajemen Administrasi, Manajemen Perkantoran, Manajemen Personalia Manajemen Personalia dan Penyuluhan, Manajemen Perusahaan, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Pemasaran, Studi Pembangunan, Sekretari, Sekretaris.


No Kegiatan Tanggal Pelaksanaan Keterangan

1. Pengumuman di Media Massa dan Website
22 September s.d. 14 Oktober 2010 Media Massa & Web

2. Seleksi Administrasi 22 September s.d. 14 Oktober 2010 Universitas Lampung

3. Pengumuman General Aptitude Test
(GAT) & Tes Bahasa Inggris 18 Oktober 2010
Universitas Lampung&Web PLN Wilayah Lampung(

4. General Aptitude Test (GAT) 19 Oktober 2010 Universitas Lampung

5. Tes Akademis dan Bahasa Inggris 20 Oktober 2010 Universitas Lampung

6. Pengumuman Lolos GAT & Akding 21 Oktober 2010
Universitas Lampung&Web PLN Wilayah Lampung(

7. Tes Psikologi 22 Oktober 2010 Universitas Lampung

8. Pengumuman Lolos Tes Psikologi 05 November 2010
Universitas Lampung&Web PLN Wilayah Lampung(

9. Penjelasan Tes Kesehatan 08 November 2010
Universitas Lampung&Web PLN Wilayah Lampung(

10. Tes Kesehatan 09 November 2010
Rumah Sakit/Laboratorium Yg Telah Ditunjuk

11. Panggilan Wawancara 19 November 2010
Universitas Lampung&Web PLN Wilayah Lampung(

12. Wawancara 22 November 2010 Universitas Lampung

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