Saturday, September 22, 2007

Reason To Work Abroad

Why would you want to work abroad? Well, you may be in one of the following categories:
1. You can’t afford to go travelling.
2. You want to know a culture from the inside, through participation rather than just being a spectator.
3. You want to push your boundaries and discover new sides to yourself through a challenge overseas.
4. Or maybe you just want to make some money and have a good time.
All of which leaves us asking why wouldn’t you want to go and work abroad?
The main reason most people give for staying home is that they’ve managed to tie themselves down with a thousand real or imagined responsibilities – the job, the relationship, the dog, the chess club – and they couldn’t imagine leaving any of that behind even for half a year. Other people are simply too afraid to take their chances looking for a job overseas and would prefer to stay with the safe but boring work they have at home. The idea of facing a foreign language and culture in the quest to make a buck it altogether too much.
Still others would like to find a job abroad but just have no idea of how to start. The world seems a pretty daunting place from afar and few travelers want to head off without a steady budget and a promising interview at the least awaiting them when they arrive. Yet this world is still full of opportunity for the talented, the hard-working, the creative, the brave or simply the lucky. Surely you belong to at least one of those five groups? Anyway, Road Junky is so sick of travelers whinging about not having enough cash to get on the road that we’ve put together a list of job ideas, contacts and opportunities to work abroad.
And if you still can’t find work then there’s nothing to do but admit you’re a lazy bastard…

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